The strong, silent type. The Leif Chest embodies the classic tropes we associate with Scandinavian good looks: tall, blond, sturdy, impeccable posture. With soft-close drawers, you can rest assured that your Leif not only looks gorgeous, its also soft-spoken and sensitive to your (safety) needs.
The strong, silent type. The Leif Chest embodies the classic tropes we associate with Scandinavian good looks: tall, blond, sturdy, impeccable posture. With soft-close drawers, you can rest assured that your Leif not only looks gorgeous, its also soft-spoken and sensitive to your (safety) needs.
The colour and veneer are beautiful and after careful inspection I found no flaws with the construction except slightly sticky drawers. However they soften with... More
Mika I.
3 months ago - Vancouver, BC
Its bulky without a lot of storage space. The assembly is not very robust. Not a high quality product.
Ashpica C.
5 months ago - Jersey City, NJ
Response From Article
Hi Ashpica, we're sorry to hear the Leif 4-Drawer Chest did not arrive up to your expectations. We’re glad to see that you spoke with our Customer Care team and... More